With spring break upon us and summer time coming up I thought it was a good time to bring up a very important topic which is using the Tinder app while traveling. This can mean using Tinder while on vacation, Tindering at your parent’s place for the holidays, or even swiping right while on a business trip. So why would you want to meet up with a stranger in a strange town? Well here’s a few reasons to try Tinder while traveling:

1. Tinder Tour Guides – Tinder can be an extremely personalized version of Yelp and give you great recommendations on where to dine, drink, and explore. Hmm where do people I’m attracted to tend to eat and drink and play? I want to go to there. People are also usually proud of their cities so they’ll tell you about the best places to check out. Wouldn’t that be cool if this was an actual job?
2. Meet New People – Using Tinder while traveling is a great way to meet new people. Then if you want to visit that city again and you’ve played your cards right, you’ll have a place to stay next time!
3. More Relaxed Dates – Meeting people while traveling really takes away a lot of expectations you may be bringing to your local Tinder dates. This might allow you to open up more and get a better friendship instead of a solely romantic relationship (or no relationship at all) out of the meeting. This can give you practice that can help you loosen up on dates you’ll go on once you’re back home and give you more confidence. It will also give you practice in messaging people.
4. Entertainment Value – There’s really nothing like the feeling I got when the 3rd dude I swiped while at home in south Florida was in a full camo outfit wrestling an alligator. Or the guys in Texas in their cowboy hats. I also found a couple that looked exactly like my brother and sister which was super weird. This whole new dating pool may give you a different variety to choose from than the regular people you would see at home so you can expand your horizons. Plus if you’re a 7 in LA you’re a 10 most everywhere else. And if you match with someone really great you can message each other on the Tinder app to your little heart’s content and know they’re not wasting your time since those expectations are gone!
5. Random Hookups – Well, sometimes you just want a sample of the local strange and Tinder can help you get from point A to point B(ed) just a wee bit faster.
If you’re still afraid and traveling with a friend, try to set up a double date with a Tinderella! Double the fun. And don’t forget about one of the newest features of Tinder Plus – the Passport feature let’s you override Tinder’s GPS and you can put yourself in your destination city before even getting there! That way you can scope out the goods especially for short trips. If you’re not into paying for Tinder Plus you can still probably find some adventurous people to meet you within a few hours of chatting and that can be a fun little challenge in itself!