Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!! I wanted to share some love today by showing you my favorite Valentine’s Day tutorials. These definitely can be worn any day of the year, but I wanted to show you them to share some inspo:
I LOVED this look by LoveMelisaMichelle because it’s sexy and super GLAM for those girls looking for a very full face look it’s kind of similar to my Jade Smokey Eye look:
Today I have another new video for you! I filmed this a couple weeks ago while I was getting ready for a first date. It shows me going from my work clothes to first date ready. I thought it would be fun to combine the beauty + dating info. I hope you like it! Please don’t forget to subscribe, like, comment, share etc. so I can reach more people 🙂
When I was in middle school I read a lot of women’s magazines- Cosmo, Allure, Glamour, etc. and they would often times have features on how to transform your makeup from day to night or how to take your look from the office to happy hour drinks. I used to think these articles were so dumb. Who couldn’t figure out this very simple task!? Put on more eye makeup- eyeliner, shadow, extra mascara, etc., a bold lip, a little perfume and bam you’re done.
Now that I’m a grown up and actually have to do this task I realize it can be very difficult. Most YouTube gurus and makeup artists will tell you to just wash your face and start all over again. Who has time for that!? Especially if you’re going on dates during the week you need to take your 6am makeup and transform it into date-ready 8pm makeup and FAST. I have yet to see a YouTube tutorial on how to do this (there are many where they do one makeup look and then immediately change the lip color and say now it’s a night look! But that leaves out the whole your foundation is coming off and everything is patchy problem).
I know my friends do this because we all joke about throwing on a “second coat of paint” which is to say we just put foundation on top of what we’re already wearing and start all over again. Sometimes this works great for me, other times it looks insanely heavy or patchy or accentuates my wrinkles. Here’s an example:
Friday nights call for a quick second coat of paint
Do I look terrible? No. Are all of the lines on my forehead and everywhere else accentuated? Yes. My face also turned out super white which made my blush and lips look all that much more intense. I still went out like this, but I didn’t feel great.
A few weeks ago I went to the Nordstrom Fall Beauty Event and asked my artist if he had any tips for me and he gave me a great one: use a different type of foundation than the one you used the first time. OMG brilliant!! This totally makes sense too! In the AM I tend to use a matte foundation so if I put another coat of that on top with powder it’s going to totally age me! Now I give my face a quick spritz of Mac Fix+ or the Boots Rosewater Spray I mentioned in my September favorites and then apply a luminous foundation like my Armani Luminous Silk right on top of the makeup I was previously wearing. From there I will apply concealer, bronzer, blush, more mascara, and a little powder to set everything. This has been an awesome little trick and I feel like it has really helped me.