Botox vs. Dysport

Last year when I went home for the holidays I had so many friends and family members say “Wow you look GREAT!” Want to know my secret? I got Botox a week before going home for Christmas so it was in full effect! My forehead looked smooth, I looked more relaxed  and youthful, and it looked really natural and not frozen.

I also had less issues with my makeup getting caked in my wrinkles (the worst). I loved the effects SO much, but then it lasted about 2 months for me and it by 3 months it was completely gone! I was so sad because that stuff is expensive.

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💉BOTOX TALK!💉 ▶️🎥 to see it in action! A week before Christmas got Botox for the first time in my forehead, between my brows and a little near the outer corners of my eyes (30 units total) at @alchemy43 and OMG I loved it so much! I got it a week before Christmas and when I was in Florida for the holidays people kept saying how good I looked and I swear Botox is why because I just looked so much more fresh! 🤕Does it hurt? No it’s the tiniest little prick and it was all over in maybe 3 minutes? I did have a headache afterwards last time, but I was also dehydrated, starving and got stuck in traffic and I will definitely avoid all of that next time. Like I say in the video if you’ve ever had a facial with extractions (which I had 3 days post and is why my face is a little blotchy) they are like 100x more painful than the needle. 💸How much does it cost? I paid $9/unit for mine so it was $270 total. They asked me if I wanted my forehead to have movement still or be totally frozen and I said idk? But if you asked me today I’d say I’d be happy if my forehead never ever moved again. ⏳How long does it last? It’s different for everyone it depends on how your body absorbs it. For me my forehead was almost back to normal movement in 2 months and totally 100% back by 3. I was like 😭😭😭 because I loved it so much! It kind of made sense though because I’m never super sensitive to medications like some people are. It can last 6 months or more on other people so you never know! 👱‍♀️👩👵When should you get it done? I got it for the first time when I was 30, but definitely could have gotten it sooner. I have so much sun damage from tanning that really messed me up which is why I have such deep lines on my forehead. There is not lotion, potion, or cream that can make deep wrinkles go away (I asked my dermatologist) so if you are wrinkly like myself this is your most effective treatment by far. 🎊🎉Big event coming up and thinking about Botox? Like I say in my video you will see optimal results in 3-7 days (mine were seen at 7 days for sure) so get it at least a week before the event, but I’d probably do 2 weeks before just in case any adjustments need to be made.

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Recently I’ve been hearing more about Dysport and some people have been saying it lasts longer than Botox. I was curious if that was true and John Stuart was nice enough to write up a guest post all about Botox vs. Dysport.

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Sonja Morgan’s Beauty Secrets – Skincare, Botox, Facials, and More

Sonja Morgan is the hilarious gorgeous star of Real Housewives of New York City. She always has a super-natural look about her that’s light, radiant, and youthful, and probably helps her get all of those younger guys when she’s out at Beautique.

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Lip Injections, Botox, and Plastic Surgery with Tasha Reign and Spencer Scott

When I first asked my friends if they would talk about their fillers (Juvederm lip injections and Botox) I was worried they might not be comfortable talking about it, but boy was I wrong. Not only did my friends Tasha Reign and Spencer Scott talk in detail about their experiences with fillers, they also spilled all the deets on their plastic surgery as well! I feel like Kylie Jenner has made lip injections so incredibly popular so I thought it would be helpful to let everyone know where my friends get it, how much it costs them, how much it hurts, and what the recovery period is like. Be sure to subscribe to the Blushing in Hollywood Youtube channel so you don’t miss any future videos 🙂 and definitely make sure you watch to the end so you can see our Extra Shady Extras.

Here’s some notes on what the talked about: Continue reading “Lip Injections, Botox, and Plastic Surgery with Tasha Reign and Spencer Scott”