I just got back from my first ever trip to Europe and it was absolutely incredible. People kept telling me “you’re going to have the best time ever!”, but I didn’t want my expectations to be too high and then get disappointed. Luckily it was fantastic. So let’s back up and talk about how this trip came to be. My friend Molly and I met back in 4th grade and she is still one of the friends I have the most in common with to this day. We’re both from Florida, but now living in California (she lives in Northern Cali). She’s a super smart PhD and even though I like science quite a bit, the stuff she studies is way over my head. She called me and told me she was going to be presenting at a conference (FMR1 Premutation- told you it was some smarty pants stuff) in Barcelona and asked if I wanted to tag along. At first I was a little torn so I called my dad to see what he thought. I thought he would say “you can’t afford that” but instead he said “you should DEFINITELY go, even your little brother has been to Europe” so then I knew I HAD to go. Molly and I decided we would also visit Paris and would consider the trip a celebration of our 20 years(!) of friendship. I already did a little pre-post about how I got there and what hotel I stayed at in Sitges and my flying essentials so be sure to check those out too!
When I arrived at the hotel the pouring rain was finally starting to let up. I met up with Molly and both of us were so excited we began exploring immediately. We walked down toward the marina and around the city.

There was an awesome huge old church in the town and the sea wall had a great little “splash zone.” Continue reading “Trip to Sitges Spain – Day One”