I recently went to see a famous Hollywood celebrity psychic and she told me what the future of my love life was.
This photo is from the PsychicGirl Facebook page.
My best friend is obsessed with psychics. Recently she bestowed upon me the most LA invitation of all time- would I like to come to a psychic healing a cocktails event that will be at the 9200 Sunset building (the same building that is the location to celeb hot spots Boa and Soho House) and it will be filmed for an upcoming reality show. It sounded like fun so I was in. Before going I did a quick search online of the psychic Jusstine Kenzer and found that she had a 5 star rating on Yelp (which I regard very highly) with 62 reviews. I was impressed. I arrived to the event super early and while I was waiting for security to clear me up to the floor of the event, I’m pretty sure I saw Gerard Butler. It was either him or some other tall, handsome looking alcoholic. They buzzed me up and I was one of the first of about 40 well dressed pretty young girls who attended this event (with about 5 miscellaneous dudes). We took our seats and Jusstine announced that she would be both answering questions about what it’s like to be a psychic and how she gets her abilities as well as our personal questions about our future.
She began by taking the questions about being a psychic which I found interesting. She basically said her dad had some pseudo-psychic abilities that he kind of practiced with her growing up (i.e. he used to guess his customers played the piano, etc.). She then said in her 20s she moved into an extremely haunted house in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco. She said she used to hear things banging around in the kitchen and wake up to all the pots and pans being lined up…creepy. Once she moved out of that place she visited a psychic to make sure that all of the spirits weren’t following her. She also has a thing against gypsy psychics and psychics that have neon signs which I guess stems from a long standing beef/turf war, I’m not really sure. All she said was that a gypsy took her for a bunch of money and then she somehow got the money back, but sadly she did not elaborate as to how this might have happened. She mentioned that she started out doing readings at a Halloween Horror Nights-esque event and the first people that came in for readings were gypsies who tried to trick her by asking about their dead friend as if they were alive. Jusstine immediately knew their friend was dead and viola the gypsies knew she was the real deal. She also said that she had the feeling that she had the gift for a long time before finally giving in and doing readings full-time. She said she can turn on and off the ability so it doesn’t just pop up when she’s on a date with someone new. She described it as her spirit guide connecting with whoever she’s reading’s spirit guide and they talk and she is given the info to pass along.
The way Jusstine spoke made me think she was really part-psychic part-therapist. This makes sense because according to her Yelp she is both a psychic and a Life Coach. She said an interesting bit about how when she gives readings that have bad or that have potentially bad parts in them she hopes that she is wrong, or that the person needed to hear that info in order to change the path they are on to avoid the problem. She talked a lot about connecting with your spirituality or higher power in order to clear out the bad things from the past and move on in the future. She also talked about how our past lives influence our current one just like how our past/our childhood affects us constantly in our choices. She had previously told my BFF in a private reading that the two of us (my BFF and I) met in a past life as vaudevillian circus performers. We had a lot of fun guessing which one of us was probably the bearded lady.

So people start asking their questions and this is LA so everyone is wondering about the future of their career. Lots of producers and actors asking which path they should take. My best friend begged me to ask about my love life so I gave in and jumped in line for my quick little reading. I asked Jusstine “what do you see in the future for my love life?” and she asked if I was seeing anyone right now or had questions about a specific person right now which I answered (truthfully) “no”. She then said I’m blocked right now and not in a good place to go out and meet someone because like attracts like so I will end up with someone else who is also emotionally unavailable. This made total sense to me and I agreed I do feel somewhat blocked especially after having this bad experience. This is also another way that I felt like she was similar to a therapist. She went on to say that I’m also having some kind of issues with my dad that are influencing my dating life. While I have plenty of issues, I wouldn’t include “daddy issues” in my own personal top 10 at least. I have a pretty solid relationship with my dad, but it’s not perfect. I wasn’t sure exactly what this meant, but I couldn’t rule it out completely as false or incorrect. She also told me that she sees me taking a more serious relationship step when I’m 32. She didn’t say if that meant I would get engaged or married at 32, but it kind of seemed like it was something in that ballpark. That also makes sense because I just turned 28 so it’s unlikely that I will be getting engaged or married before I’m 32. Overall I enjoyed my reading.
Another guy asked a question about his love life and mentioned Jusstine’s CD “Heal Your Relationship Space” and how it really helped him. Jusstine explained that people are always telling us we have to clear out the old bad stuff in order to newer and better things, but they never quite explain how exactly to do that and that is what this CD is all about. I was totally interested because I agree I have no clue how to clear out my past issues and move on, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to buy the CD that night. I might download it and if so I’ll let you all know how it is. You can learn more about the CD or download it instantly for $25 here. I’m a total sucker for self help.
What do you think about my reading? Has a psychic ever told you something about your love life that came true?