Tinder is great I met one of my boy BFFs there and dated a couple of other Tinder matches. It IS possible to get a relationship out of Tinder if that’s what you’re looking for. These are a couple Tinder tips if you’re looking for more than just a hook-up. If you’re just using Tinder for entertainment then you just keep doin you boo.

1. Your first meeting shouldn’t be you going over his place to “hang out” I don’t care what movie/liquor/video game he has to lure you in with he has to get off his ass and take you somewhere public for your first date.
2. If a guy says he wants to take you out this weekend and by Thursday you don’t have a location or a time that date is most likely not going to happen. I don’t care what he was so busy with that caused him to not make a real plan. He’s a time waster and I suggest you block him.
3. Don’t be embarrassed if your friend/coworker/neighbor finds you on Tinder, pretty much everyone has it or has at least tried it at this point. How do you think I got the pic for this post?
4. Not sure which way to swipe? Ask yourself honestly “would I ever sleep with this person?” and if the answer is “probably not” swipe left! No point in wasting your time or his.
For a funny Tinder video that was on Conan:
Be sure to check out the rest of my posts of Tuesday Tinder Tips!
Another tinder tip is always swipe yes if the main picture has a baby monkey or any exotic animal
Yup there’s plenty of those http://tinderguyswithtigers.tumblr.com