If you’re following me on Instagram then you know I just got back from a very magical trip to Banff, Canada. I feel like I literally experienced all 4 seasons there even though it was the end of June. I thought it might be handy to give a list of what to wear in Banff.
Continue reading “What to Pack for a Trip to Banff”Category: Life Hacks
How to Be More Attractive
So I’ve been reading through lots of Reddit posts on r/dating and r/dating_advice to look for some patterns. One that keeps popping up is guys think the only way for them to be more attractive is by working out. Or making more money. Other then that it’s all genetics and they have absolutely no control.
As a woman I’m bombarded with ads of products that will make me more attractive. Advertising tells me there’s billions of ways for me to improve my beauty. I guess men haven’t had that same message their entire lives. So here you go men (all humans really), here’s all the secrets to being more attractive.
Continue reading “How to Be More Attractive”How I Changed My Life
I’ve changed. Last year around this time I was feeling unhappy. I work a full-time job and I was getting home from work and laying on my couch watching hours of TV until it was time for bed. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE me some Real Housewives, but what I did not love was feeling like I was laying around wasting my life. I knew I had to do something so I consciously made changes to my life to improve it. I decided that I wanted to start living my best life.
I didn’t change my life on my own either, I asked friends and family for advice and support and their help has been crucial as well. They help hold me accountable and cheer me on when they see me succeeding which is amazing.
Another thing that helps give me motivation, ideas, and strategies to improve my life are videos I find on YouTube. I follow some amazing women who give great tips on living a more healthy, happy, and organized life. I loved this video by one of my faves Brittany Vasseur:
Here’s a few of the changes I made in case you need some inspo:
Continue reading “How I Changed My Life”The Ultimate Breakup and Recovery Guide
Break up pain is the worst. The sadness, feelings of loss, the disappointment, fear, and hole you feel inside of your heart can be all too real. It can feel like you’ll never recover. Or if you do, you’ll never find someone as good or ever be as happy as you once were. Add a healthy dose of self loathing and “What did I do wrong!?” on top of that and you are under a garbage heap of feelings that it can feel impossible to ever escape.
Want to figure out why you broke up, do’s and don’ts for short term and long term recovery from a break up, what the hell you’re supposed to do now?, if things will ever get better, or how to improve your self-esteem that feels like it’s in the toilet? This is the post for you. Or maybe you are thinking “Why am I even reading this? I’m smart I can get over this it will just take time.” Keep reading to find out why you can’t overcome a breakup with just logic. Continue reading “The Ultimate Breakup and Recovery Guide”
How to Take Good Pictures Selfie Secrets
I’ve been getting lots of compliments on my selfies lately, so I thought I’d share some of my best Selfie Secret tips! I did a few posts before about Kim Kardashian’s Selfie Secrets and Selfie Secrets Part Two – Shayla Taught Me, but I’m always learning new tips and tricks! I’ve also included some recent selfies from my Instagram @blushinginhollywood so you can see the tips in action!
Continue reading “How to Take Good Pictures Selfie Secrets”Selfie Secrets Part Two – Shayla Taught Me
Since my Kim Kardashian‘s Selfie Secrets post has been getting a lot of love lately, I thought everyone might be interested in some tips from another selfie queen- @MakeupShayla from Instagram and YouTube. Here’s the video that inspired this post:
Kim Kardashian’s Selfie Secrets
Ever wonder how Kim Kardashian takes all of her incredible selfies? Wondering why your makeup doesn’t pop in your photos like hers does? I’m here to tell you some of Kim Kardashian’s selfie secrets:
Kim Kardashian Selfie Lighting
You always want to make sure your photos have great lighting. Great lighting comes from natural, indirect sunlight or artificial light that comes from in front of you (not above you because that casts shadows on your face). If you don’t have your own a fancy ring light or want to take good pictures when you are out at night with not a lot of lighting options you can do what Kim Kardashian does and use a Lumee Illuminated Cell Phone Case:
This LuMee case has dim-able lighting that helps light your face from the front instead of potentially washing you out like a flash can. Continue reading “Kim Kardashian’s Selfie Secrets”
You Don’t Have to Try so Hard
Picture of Colbie Caillat from her Instagram @colbiecaillat
Colbie Caillat’s music video for the song “Try” has recently gone viral for all the right reasons. You’ve probably seen links to Buzzfeed articles on your Newsfeed titled things like “These women took off their makeup for a music video and you won’t BELIEVE what happens next!!” It’s not all that dramatic though, the women take off their makeup and Colbie takes out her weave and they looked like what every girl in the world looks like when she wakes up.
Through all forms of media we are bombarded with images of flawless looking women. If you scroll through your instagram feed I’m sure between all the pictures of scenery and delicious looking brunches there are bound to be women who appear to have huge hair, huge lashes, and flawless skin. When this glammed up image has become the norm, it’s hard to look at yourself fresh faced in the morning and like what you see. Hell, it’s hard to take a picture of yourself all glammed up and like it enough to post on Instagram because it always just seems not quite good enough. I have absolutely fallen into this trap. A few months ago I was bored and killing some time by putting all the makeup I own on my face and I decided to capture it for Insty: